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Keyword research For your defined content clusters









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發表於 2024-3-5 14:37:32 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Topic research & W-questions analysis To find targeted subtopics for your pillar page, you can first start in the classic way with brainstorming or other creativity techniques . I also recommend a specific W-question analysis using the following tools: HyperSuggest AnswerThePublic Google Suggest HyperSuggest “backpacking” content clusters The HyperSuggest tool provides W-questions and long-tail keywords. From the W-question analysis you can usually draw relevant key points for further subtopics and subsequent keyword research, such as here: How does backpacking work in general? Where is the cheapest/best place to go backpacking.

Where do you sleep while backpacking? Backpacking by season/month If you also use Special Data Google Suggest, you will get more ideas for your content pieces: Google Suggest - Pillar Page Ideas Google Suggest can help you filter out additional topics. Users seem to be increasingly interested in specific topics Backpacking for beginners, Backpacking within Germany, Backpacking in Europe, a packing list and the right backpack to be interested. If that's not your primary content, you can work on it when working on it! Note: Since a pillar page can be continually expanded, you should always start with the topics that are most important to your users.  that you want to develop first, you should definitely carry out targeted keyword research to determine exactly what you want to optimize your subpages for.

In my opinion, it's not necessarily about an exceptionally high search volume, but rather about thematic relevance . This means that you should focus on user intent in your content pieces. And sometimes these are topics that have less search volume or even consist of long-tail keywords. Google Keyword Planner for Content Clusters Apart from the keyword [rucksack backpack], which is exclusively sales-oriented, I can use the Google Keyword Planner to display the search volume and competition on the topics that are relevant to me. 4. Think through page structure Next, you should think about the page structure of your pillar before developing the individual topics.


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