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There are times when so much time passes









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Another peculiarity of this newsletter is the fact that it develops in a "zig zag", from right to left. In this way it is possible to create a dynamic path with the potential customer, who is encouraged - also through simple but captivating graphics - to continue reading, step by step. Thanks to all these features, the potential customer feels encouraged to enter the restaurant and taste the recommended dishes. Inspired, in fact, not forced by particularly intrusive advertising. The target audience Personalization of the email One of the focal points for an excellent email marketing campaign concerns the personalization of the newsletter. Precisely by virtue of what we have said so far, it is essential to create a unique and inimitable experience for the user, who must feel treated differently than all other contacts. In a world where it is usual to send universal messages, the potential customer wants to feel pampered and indispensable, not just a simple number to reach a new sale.

This is a mental and psychological aspect of no small importance. It is in this sense that , a process that, among the numerous benefits it can bring to a company, also allows you to effectively send automated emails, comes into play. How does the whole mechanism work? The main point is represented by workflows, a series of pre-established and personalized emails that are sent when a user performs a specific action within the company website. In this way it is possible to recognize the intent Agent Email List and interest of the potential customer and leverage exactly that, avoiding sending generic emails without personalization. Ask Italian, another chain of Italian restaurants inspired by Italian culinary taste, is well aware of this and has even coined the "Half-Birthday": 6 months after the next birthday, a newsletter is sent with a specific promotion for the contact.

This is a fun way to capture their attention: With a view to personalizing the potential customer's experience with the company, Chewy, an online store aimed at pet nutrition and care, also presents user-specific newsletters : In this case, Chewy already knows that its potential customer is looking for food or toys for the dog (and not for the cat or the canary!) and addresses them by saying: "Here are the best choices for you!". The fact that someone we don't know closely has taken care of choosing the best products for us and our 4-legged friends certainly makes us happy and leads us to get even closer to the company. Email personalization The summary email from the moment the user hears about the company to the moment he decides to buy, that the potential customer risks forgetting everything. This is why the round-up email exists, which is roughly translated into Italian as "rounding email": it is a summary email of everything the user has missed over the weeks and months.


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