[size=14.6667px]This clever play from Instagram allows you to effectively steal another Instagrammer’s edit using your own clips or photos in place of theirs This is particularly handy for the clever Instagrammers who have managed to nail their video and music timings! Not all the as templates the creator will have had to toggle an advanced setting on more on this below [size=14.6667px]
[size=14.6667px]On Reels that can be used as a template you’ll see a little button that says ‘Use C Level Executive Email Lists [size=14.6667px]Template’ right above the original creator’s name on the left-hand side of the app like the screenshot below of this Reel by @mati_espy_home How to find Reels you can use as a template Tap on the create + button in the Instagram app then choose ‘REEL’ at the bottom of the screen Choose ‘
[size=14.6667px]Templates’ at the top of the screen Here you’ll find a library of Reels you can use as a template for your next video including a selection recommended for you and trending Reels Tap on your chosen Reel then follow the steps in the next section You might also find Reel templates you like on the Reels or Explore pages so be on the lookout How to create a video with a Reel template Once you’ve found a Reel you like that is available as a template tap the ‘Use as Template’ button