Those that use biogas, waste and biomass as primary energy. Basically, what the decree is saying is that this type of facility will receive, in addition to the remuneration derived from the sale of energy , another one added based on installed power and whose objective is to cover investment costs that cannot be covered by the sale of energy to the market. This is what is called return on investment. The decree also includes the so-called remuneration for the operation.
Which covers possible differences between operating costs and income from participation in the production market. An investment incentive must be added to this specific remuneration regime, which will be applied in cases in which moible number data the installation represents a significant reduction in costs in the systems of non-peninsular territories. Currently, it affects the first regulatory period of this royal decree, which covers until December 31, 2019. Law 22/2011 on waste is another.
The reference regulations for energy recovery. The preamble to this regulation already includes this concept as a tool to contribute at a European level in the fight against climate change. This law establishes a priority for administrations when promoting actions related to waste treatment. This valuation occupies the fourth place in a hierarchy that is as follows: Prevention. Preparation for reuse. Recycling. Valuation, including expressly cited energy.